Gatekeeper Systems Inc. announces the immediate availability of a Mark II (MK II) version of GSX-900 and GSX-1000 Digital Smart RecorderTM. MK II incorporates technologies that further increase the robustness of the GSX family of recorders and makes them even easier to use. The MK II version of the GSX-900 and GSX-1000 incorporate the following technologies: Thermal Intelligence; Power Guard, Clear Channel TM USB 2.0; Direct Video Connect (DVCTM). Thermal Intelligence TM ensures that hard drive is operated within it specified temperature range. The temperature of the drive is continuously monitored. If the drive is too cold an internal electric heater is turned on and if the drive is to warm a series of cooling fans are turned on. Only when the disk drive is within its specified temperature range will it spin up. Thermal Intelligence technology will help to prolong the life of the recorder by protecting it from operating in unsafe temperate environments. Power Guard is a combination of hardware and software protection technologies that allow a Gatekeeper Digital Video Recorder to better survive the harsh electrical environment found on School Buses. Clear Channel USB 2.0 Technology removes many of the speed limiting roadblocks found in other Digital Video Reorders that prevent USB 2.0 connections from attaining its true video transfer speed potential. Direct Video Connect allows users to quickly access recorded video and then drag and drop the video files to a personal computer for analysis and archiving. This allows user to spend less time accessing video and more time doing other important tasks.